EPFL, l’École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, est l’un des campus universitaires les plus dynamiques d’Europe et s’inscrit dans le top 20 mondial de nombreux classements académiques. L’EPFL compte plus de 6'500 membres du personnel qui font vivre les trois missions principales de l’École : l’éducation, la recherche et l’innovation. Le campus de l’EPFL offre un cadre de travail exceptionnel au cœur d’une communauté de plus de 17'000 personnes, dont près de 12'500 étudiant·e·s et 4'000 chercheur·euse·s issu·e·s de plus de 120 nationalités différentes.

Software / systems Engineer (80-100%)


We are looking for creative developers to join our ranks. As a member of our team, you will be asked to develop independently or in a team the various services and infrastructure for our data science platform, Renku (https://renkulab.io). Currently our development efforts are focused on user-centric feature development and scaling up our Software as a Service offering.


  • You are an experienced developer with a minimum of a BSc in Computer Science or related disciplines.
  • You enjoy crafting elegant software solutions and are no stranger to building backend services with various types of APIs.
  • You have excellent skills in Python; Scala, Go and Rust are a plus. Good, hands-on systems knowledge of Linux is required; practical experience with Kubernetes, infrastructure-as-a-service, cloud services, and other container-based technologies is a strong plus.
  • Beyond specific skills, we are interested in individuals who are excited to learn, are self-motivated and have a great team-oriented attitude.
  • We encourage and expect independence and critical thinking but value highly the ability to work in a team, express ideas, and engage in constructive discussions that move the project forward.

We offer

We offer you a stimulating, collaborative, cross-disciplinary environment in a world-class research institution. Our team of 15 hails from 13 countries and we are committed to upholding the team’s diversity in the future. We deeply value work-life balance and will readily consider part-time employment options as well as home-office work. In this dynamic position, you will make full use of your engineering skills to develop backend services, contribute to feature design, investigate available technology options and ensure reliable service delivery for thousands of users across Switzerland and beyond. Experimentation and creativity are actively promoted and learning of new technologies and approaches is an integral part of the job. We are dedicated to open source software and we strongly encourage our team members to seek out opportunities to engage with and contribute to open source communities as a part of their development process. Your work at the SDSC will contribute to improving the process of collaborative data science by providing a path toward reproducibility and reusability, with potential for significant impact in scientific fields as varied as astronomy, ecology, and personalized medicine as well as the public and private sectors.


Date d'entrée en fonction : 01/09/2024

Taux d'occupation min : 80.00

Taux d'occupation max : 100.00

Type de contrat : CDD

Durée : 1 an, renewable

Référence : 937


If you have questions regarding this position, do not hesitate to send an email to: rok.roskar@sdsc.ethz.ch.


The Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC) is a joint venture between EPFL and ETH Zurich. Its mission is to accelerate the adoption of data science and machine learning techniques within academic disciplines of the ETH Domain, the Swiss academic community at large, and the industrial sector. In particular, it addresses the gap between those who create data, those who develop data analytics and systems, and those who could potentially extract value from it. The center is composed of a multi-disciplinary team of data and computer scientists, and experts in selected domains with offices in Zürich, Lausanne, and Villigen.

Seul·es les candidat·e·s ayant postulé via le site internet de l'EPFL ou celui de notre partenaire Jobup seront pris en compte. Les dossiers transmis par les agences non mandatées ne seront pas pris en compte.